At this time of year I often take the time to reflect back on what has gone before. At the moment I’m thinking about Christmas and whether it was what I expected or anticipated. How did it all go for you wonder? Were your expectations no matter how high met?

Did the dinner all come together at the right time and did everyone enjoy the best meal of the year? We’re the potatoes as crispy as Mary Berry’s, the turkey as moist as Jamie Oliver’s and the pudding as indulgent as Nigella Lawson’s.  Was the conversation over the table scintillating and did no one feel left out? Was there enough food with just enough for the next day and was the washing up sorted without you even having to ask? And of course I assume all the gifts were perfectly wrapped and you got just what you always wanted to transform your life. And of course no one got ill at all!

In our house parts of that happened but parts were also tricky and bit messy – our son struggles with change, excitement and lots of people – so for parts of the day it was a challenge for him, which means it can be a challenge for us too. He also generously shared his rather horrible cold which meant the following few days involved coughs and sneezes. But I think Christmas and the expectations we allow to be created can be a challenge for quite a few of us. It’s not to say that it wasn’t fun and enjoyable – it’s just that some parts were messy and a bit tricky.

And then I reflect on my thoughts surrounding the first Christmas and the aftereffects of that night. We often leave the nativity scene, with angels, shepherds, Mary, Joseph and the sleeping Jesus – not to mention the animals, and walk away with the serene and peaceful image in our heads. But I’ve been thinking about how when our children were born the first few weeks were both exciting and exhausting, full of anticipation of what was to come along with a whole heap of readjustment. I guess it may have been the same for Mary and Joseph, giving birth away from their family and friends, with so many questions amidst the joy. Knowing that Jesus was evidence of God being with them but having to cope with the demands of a newborn.

Whatever your Christmas was like I pray that as we journey forward we may be expectant and know God’s presence alongside us – even when it is messy and unpredictable.
